Members Only Section includes: Member Roster; Guest Speakers; and By-Laws
The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is the nation’s largest and most influential association of military officers. It is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization.


WELCOME to the website of the MOAA Uniformed Services Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter. If you are concerned about Military Healthcare issues which affect Uniformed Service Members (currently serving and Reserve/Guard components, Retirees, Veterans and their families), you’ve landed at the right site. If you’re a current or past member of a Uniformed Services Nurse Corps, you’re on a great path. We also require membership in the Military Officers Association of America, but that can be done as part of the application process at no cost. We also charge no dues! Our members have had interesting and diverse careers, with extraordinary expertise in many areas of nursing. Nurses have always been patient advocates, caring for them continues through advocacy for healthcare-related legislation and other important MOAA goals.
Purpose of MUSNAVC
To promote and support the Military Officers Association of America;
To foster fraternal relations and camaraderie among Military Nurses;
To advocate for Healthcare related services and programs for all Military service members, former and present.
Chapter Update

The 119th Congress is in session and we will soon begin seeing Legislation being introduced, Keeping in mind that one of the top priorities of MUSNAVC is advocacy for healthcare issues which will affect all of all beneficiaries, we will have many issues before us. MOAA, as a top lobbyist, will have the important active campaign issues listed on their Legislative Action Center website. We need each and every to be registered on the website and encourage maximum participation urging their representatives to support these bills. {Register HERE, if not already registered }
We will also have new legislative actions listed on our Legislative Early Push page. These are issues deemed important by MUSNAVC, in addition to the MOAA active campaigns. We are making it even easier to contact your representatives this year. It is critical that our lawmakers continue to hear from constituents on important issues.
We have included a new collaborative initiative with the MOAA Council and Independent Chapters involving State Level Advocacy. Many Veteran and Military involved legislation is found at the State level. We now have the means for our members to be involved and support these items. Read more on the initiative HERE
National MOAA has recognized the significant role and contributions our Chapter members bring to the National Advocacy efforts of MOAA. Your membership, support, and commitment to “Never Stop Serving” is invaluable and much appreciated. Stay informed and stay involved.
Joe Gollasch
Member Meetings

19 March 2025
7:45 PM (Eastern Time)

Karen Reudisueli,
MOAA Senior Director
Health Affairs
The Military Coalition and Advocacy in Action 2025

Snapshot of Last Meeting
Our last meeting on 15 January 2025, our MUSNAVC Board of Directors review the events and accomplishments of the chapter from 2024.
We announced new and improved plans for 2025. Several members have volunteered to participate in and support our teams as they lead our initiatives and programs.
Members can view the recording by going to the 'Members Only' section and clicking on the 'Guest Speaker' page.

Community Engagement Events
Click image for details
Serving Veterans By Bringing New Friends to Veterans in Hospice.
The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) is a patriotic, nonpartisan, Veterans Service Organization (VSO) dedicated to promoting patriotism, civic responsibility, public service, and leadership in our nation’s communities.
Honoring and supporting our nation's newest and youngest service members